Tuesday, May 6, 2008


christopher brown...forever on that dance floor.

OH, dem moves @ 1:03... that's killer right there.
we should do it like Lowell and have everyone learn that dance and do it at prom...
like these Lowell-fools in the courtyard:

In preparation I have found this vijjeo of so-called "chris brown forever choreography"
instead, it is of a fool in a vest clapping.


moving on... 
jmac's new music vijjeo?
racy, man. racy.
omfg-status racy.

jesse mccartney, why can't you go back to 
dream street when you was all innocent and prepubescent and things?
i remember douglas and i used to make fun of the following song (look for jmac @ 1:19 and the jennifer hudson-status diva squeal @ 1:24):


yea all of a sudden blogging feels really weird to me.
like i don't know how to write...or write wittily...
and i have nothing to write about. problems, problems.

1 comment:

Vince Ei said...

I know how you feel, post idea withdrawal. I find myself trying to force events to happen in my life now so I can blog about them.