Wednesday, February 20, 2008

so sick

so i've been sick since monday's not fun. my nose is crying me a river and i can't sleep at night and i toss and turn thinking about you and the times we lost just because i was so dang iLL. (except sike on that last part)

but you all should check out riley kendall jang's blog. dang that girl is technologic.

and here's me and papa jang and half of RKJ's face.
we blurry because we be burnin.
burnin calories that is.
since babies are tough work.
i'm guessing....papa jang is the one with the only begotten daughter


Clifton Jang said...

thanks for the ill request you for her future hs leader ;P

Clifton Jang said...

oh...and blame adrienne for the blurriness in the pic....i guess you'll just have to come and take another one!

Vince Ei said...

I'm glad adrienne is well enough to take pictures now... cool