Wednesday, September 24, 2008


sea blue AA hoody? gots to hop on this!
i was actually at AA in the summer and i saw a track jacket in sea blue...and i think they discontinued that (or maybe it was a prototype...) but now it's the time to pounce y'all.

or possibly this:
social suicide to all except FannyPack

so we have two new favorite songs:
dead and gone - T.I. and Justin Timberlake
cry in my heart - starfield.

yeah two very different... but we sang the starfield song at fellowship on tuesday night.

there's a cry in my heart
for your glory to fall
for your presence to fill up my sense
there's a yearning again
a thirst for discipline
a hunger for things that are deeper

could you take me beyond?
could you carry me through?
if i open my hear?
could i go there with you?
for i've been here before 
but i know there's still more
oh, lord, i need to know you

for what do i have
if i don't have you, jesus?
what in this life
could mean any more?
you are my rock
you are my glory
you are the lifter
of my head
lifter of this head

so i know i don't go deep ever but this song had power, man.


Chris said...

you like the TI JT song too? I sent it to erik but he didn't even care for it.

Master Samuel said...

that's because icarus is socal now...