Sunday, March 22, 2009

dehhscktawp skreanshawtz | desktop screenshots

my laptop's desktop is pretty cluttered...mainly with screenshots from  my various computadora adventures! so lemme catalog them up in here so i can get rid of them!

article 1:
eric and katie photoshopped a side-by-side comparison of christopher brown and me...apparently we look alike...which would be aite if he ain't no lady killer
article 2:
i'm not really sure what this is...but it's june and christina
article 3:
unwanted semi-nekkidness
article 4:
i think i posted this's really funny
lesson learned: don't urinate on people's porches!

article 5:
faybook applications are murderous

i vijjeo chat with christopher and company as they are in nueva york...and i stare at this for a good 45 seconds. then i give up
i'm glad they're having fun.

article 7:
i watched The Story of Stuff...this stood out to me
seeking "Spiritual satisfaction" from stuff...i feel like i have a lot to say about that...or could...not right now though...but yees

that is all!
anticlimatic and wonderful web log!
actually sike! present time!

and...this ridiculousness:

so cool!

1 comment:

courtney said...

that reminds me of the douglas & chris brown incident.