Tuesday, March 24, 2009

back to basics

so i went to the barber shop today
and i was going to ask them to trim it up...
a little bit on the sides, keep the top long...especially the bangs.
and i guess everything got lost in translation cause homeboy busted out the buzzer and goes to town on my sideburns...and i said forget it... lemme get a number 1 all over

so this is me:
i dunno...i got kinda attached to my old hair...even though i've had the above for maybe 15 years...i miss having long hair that could assume different shapes...it was good fun

goodbye to this:
it's come a long way from being this:
so sad...


iamkatinthehat said...

AWW SAMMY! i liked your hair! D;
good thing your hair grows so darn fast. :D

iamkatinthehat said...

and woah. i just realized i got my own little hyperlink :D *yeee*

adiieeee said...


aileen--♥ said...

awww i liked your long hair, too.
but its cool.
sammy is still sammy. with short AND long hair.
just grow out your hair a lot more before i see you, so the shock isnt as big... :P