Monday, March 17, 2008

sell-ebrate good times...c'mon

but it sucks because since they raised prices,
not every shirt has automatic sale price of 10 dollah.

but i might get this baby...
i really like piƱatas...

and i wish this shirt wasn't sold-out!
it's funny....
and there's only about a 75% of getting shot while wearing it.
unless you're in New Hampshire...
sike... for all of you that got that outrageous joke.

. . .

AND.... tani informs me that
the impossible has happened.
who knew that at 4:56 PM on Sunday, 
January 13, 2008 (approximately
sixty days ago) MasterSamuel
would leave this fascinating example
of foresight?
Matthew 19:26
"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'"

and i guess that includes predicting the future. 
por ejemplo, Ne-Yo "closer" will be a 
moderately large hit.
 and like, in approximately 40 days,
Kelly Rowland's "Like This" will be somewhat popular.
and that's a fact.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i already cashed in half of my christmas certificate from "mr. santa claus". 3 new tees headed my way.

i was pretty disappointed too at the prices & the shirts they had left in my size.

hopefully some better designs will be "$5'd" by the next sale.