Wednesday, May 13, 2009

haters and lovers.

as you can imagine, there are plenty of haters in the world.
for example, a few youtube comments we receive:

a trend i notice is that the haters have pretty bad grammar slash they do not make sense.

and a lover:

and some more lovers:

so that's my bible study small group...mad-dawg love shout out to y'all
i guess this post is a little late, since i started a draft of it last friday but never finished it until now.
but lemme give you a timeline of last week.
on thursday was our last bible study so we were gonna grill some grade A+ steaks at matt's house and have a feast. but the day before i got an email from abba modern. because the seniors of abba modern were gonna perform at friday's large group (since it was like a senior send-off), and they wanted to incorporate the non-senior IV members into the dance too (so that it'd be like "we are the next generation" kinda deal)...that's complicated. but anyway, the practice was gonna be on thursday but that was the same night as bible study celebration extravaganza! but they said abba modern practice would only take an hour, so i left bible study early. but instead of taking one hour, it took four. and time really just went by fast and before you know it it was midnight and i was feeling pretty guilty for ditching bible i called matt and he said they saved me food and that if i was hungry i should come back. so i thought it'd just be me and him eating some food, but it turns out my entire small group still waited up and was chillin at matt's apartment still. and they played vijjeo games while i ate the food, which was still good even though the steaks weren't fresh off the girl (don't worry matthew, even though you don't read this weblog). and it was a pretty fun time. especially christina, who was running on like 2 hours of sleep, who played a pretty weird game of nba 2k9, but was funny. and then amber had some ridiculous "push ups"....but end of story is, i felt mad, unexpected love right then and there.
i luhhh you small group

romans 12:10
be devoted to one another in brotherly love. honor one another above yourselves.

so since then, i've been thinking a lot about how to show love...brotherly/sisterly love. which has been timely in light of all these feelings of community that have been arising.
BUT, more on that later

okay, bottom lines:
  • i like 'love'
  • be wary of youtube commenters, whether they be haters or lovers
  • if you're gonna be a hater, make sure you are gramatically correct. otherwise i become he who hates on you (sike).

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