Sunday, July 13, 2008

weekend update

get ready for a lot of reading (you's welcome, emiline)
well it's time

Friday, July 11, 2008
Well after KCDC all the primary leaders went to westlake jamba juice because adrianne hooked up ada with some free coupons/KEWWL-pawnz. so we ate that and afterwards mr. lee, ms. jessica, ms. adrianna, and myself went to go eat some Pho.... not quite as eventful as Pho-the-giddy/gioi, but it was aite. 

and then.... 
i come home to this, as some would call it, hot. tranny. mess.
ada dropped me off and from her car i see like this line on the front of my car...and i'm thinkin'... "hold up, is that my car? that was definitely not there before"
and like i examine it and the front corner is like crunched. and i'm just like 'oh boy...' so i go into my house and my dad sees me and right away he's like "sammy...." and i'm like "yea i saw. what happened?" and this is how it all went down:

so the time is 7:00 pm, and my mother and brother are home. however my dearest hermano is napping. so my mom hears the doorbell ring, and it's our neighbor of a couple doors down. he's this old bald dude that we refer to as "Potts" (which is a crucial part of this story). so Potts sees this whole event perched in some stealthy position. so our neighbors that live two houses down have a son in his twenties or what not and he drives a really nice, new, seafoam-green/blue BMW. so please refer to this map:

so my house is the one with orange (slash terra cotta for the nerds out there) roof tiles, BMW-neighbors are two houses to the right of mine (the one with the light brown roof). and, by the way, i do believe Google maps snapped a picture of our beloved, ill-fated Volvo, which seems to be chilling right above the A in the balloon. RIP, volvo. 

Anyway, so the BMW-driving son backs up, hits my car, and, as Potts witnesses, drives away. so Potts hurries to my house and tells my mother (who instantly begins to respect dear ol' Potts). And then Potts is like "you gotta call the police, that's a hit and run!" so my mom goes on over to the neighbors and tells them that their son hit my car. and you know what they say? well you don't but they said "oh really? oh wow. well, you know, it is kind of an old car..." and my mamma is like "regardless, it belongs to my son. and your son hit it." and them stupid neighbors are like "well we'll get an estimate and if it's less than a grand, we'll pay it" and my mother storms off from the neighbors who "forgot" to apologize.  
and i was so mad, like peeved and annoyed. so i started formulating how i would confront the neighbors and i went to sleep at like 9:30 to sleep it out.

Satchurday, July 12, 2008
woke up, and started arranging to have fellowship to come over. no official fellowship but we still wanted to meet to go over Senior Dinner thayngs. so people came over, we at pretzels, watched Disturbia, Dog Eat Dog, Jurassic Park, some other things. got some stuff done, filmed Horseman's ninja arrival to the venue, and decided to eat. 
but first! a game. at the exploratorium they had this exhibit to see if you could match eyes with expression. so here's mine:
see if you can decipher such at the end of Satchurday.
so no one can decide where to eat so i lead the pack and decide to eat in Richmond because we gotta drop off Judith and Christopher anyways. So we decide to go to Buffalo Burgers and we're trying to call Chris (who's in Horse's car driving with him and erik), but he won't pick up. and we look at them in the rear view 
mirror, and they're dancing like fools. like at red lights their car bounced. and i know i'm hating on them because they were embarrassing times ten, but if i was in that car i'd be doing the same thing. (exhibit A) so they finally pick up and tell us it's fine. and then in when i'm trying to find parking for Buffalo Burger they pull up to us because chris decides to tell us that he wants to go to sushi boat at 2nd and clement. so i have to follow them. and we get to 2nd and clement and can't find the place, so we're looking for parking and then judith calls chris, who tells us it's actually at 6th and clement, yet failed to inform us. then we park and we're w
alking and we see them in the street and Erik yells out, in public, "HEY! we know you!" and it might've been one of the more embarrassing moments of the day. then we go to the restaurant, Funeya (which, allison told me, she's been to like 7 times in the past year). so we're waiting and we ask the hostess if we can wait until 7 consecutive seats at the sushi bar open up. so we call chris and friends to see where they at and they say they're still finding parking. so we wait. then we finally decide to sit down. and we wait some more. and we call, and they're still finding parking. and then finally we start to eat because the staff is like harassing us since only 4 out of our 7-person party is present and they're losing valuable money from the sushi boat bar. so we eat. and finally they roll in and it's like 'great let's eat.' then after dinner we want to go to Genki Crepes because it's kinda really good. except i have no more money left because horseman was short like always (one love, horseman, one love).  so really the only ones with money left are Judith and Christopher (who has the power of the debit card, as he told me). and i ask chris if he can spot me and he says yeah. and we're inside and he's ordering and i'm like "so you still have money to spot, right?" and he says to my face "yea...for horseman" in this joking kinda way but he was really serious and like i was angered. which, in text, sounds stupid because it was all over a crepe.... but it's the principle, people! so then he gets some nasty cheesecake crepe which i hope clogs his thunderthigh arteries so that his pasty, nasty legs get stuck in his stupid hipster nudie jeans and then maybe georgia's ghost will reclaim her oversized sunshades and hit him upside the head. AND THEN he tries to make a peace offering by pulling this little pin/button out of his pocket and is like "here you can have this" and i'm like "what is this." and he's like "yea...when we told you we were finding parking, we were actually shopping at this store. and i got this for you (which, by the way, is a fatty lie). and i'm like "you don't even know how much pain it causes me to not bust up your trachea right now"
but i was pretty annoyed, kinda. by that fool. who did the following (is this mean of me for publicly hating on someone who i know will read this?)
1. doesn't pick up the cell phone during crucial times
2. makes executive decisions at the last minute
3. does not tell us correct location of restaurant
4. leaves us hanging at restaurant
5. betrays his own word
6. leaves us hanging at restaurant while he shops
yeah, my friends, here's the answer. my emotion is ANGER

so i feel this post, trying to detail how annoyed i was at christopher3000, will come back and hit me upside my face because it's jerk-status and a pretty schmucky move. 
so i apologize. for venting in the nerdiest of forms. 
so let's change the subject. more emotion games!
here's one:
yes, that is correct! the emotion is
sike. here's the only sessy creature at my house:
her majesty.
then i guess here are just some random pictures from the past couple of weeks. i finally plugged in my camera. unfortunately, i can't post any pics of KCDC kids...but if i actually know you and you ain't some cyber stalker, i can show you in real life. 
here are some blurry photos from kung fu panda day.

OH! and last tuesday we went to Happy Hollow Zoo down at san jose, which was hot times ten, man. so as i was sitting down waiting for the kids and mr. chai/mr. ho to get off that dragon ride, i had to take off my socks because they were killing me. and i look down and i sadly realized i pulled a Ryan. 
the sockless vans. how shameful. 

so i photographed my feet and posted them on the world wide web!

outtiez, suckaaaaaaa