Thursday, July 10, 2008

i should stay

like FannyPak
it's a slogan i've developed.

we had fellowship at jeff's house and chris was staring out the window at the mini-mall across the street and he was quite interested in this one vietnamese restaurant i thought was called "Pho The Gidi" and i thought fuh-the-giddy had a nice ring to i kept on saying fuhthegiddy during the night. Chris looked them up on yelp, called them, asked them what tapioca flavors they have [as in, "you have appo? what about mango?"]. and then we actually go there and it's called "Pho The Gioi," which is arguably less hot, but more legit. But they were killing me because i dropped like 6 dollars on a #47, which is vermicelli and fried egg roll, and when i open it it's like not an egg roll, it's like all of the egg roll filling spilled on noodles. NOT CLACKIN'. then yea.


F.P. F.T.W.
(decipher, my friends)

and i think dance crew would be a lot better if mario lopez stopped talking.


1 comment:

Vince Ei said...

F.P F.T.W - Fanny Pack For The Win
duh... I own this blog