Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's 10:15 in the AfterFullMoon

Senior Trip
a.k.a. "Welcome To America" | "Weekend of the He/She" | "Naptime"

well i didn't really take many pictures, but our senior trip was @ Tayou'saho from Sunday to Tuesday...
let us begin.

nevin, christopher, horseman, and i piled into winchell's father's minivan and we headed on up to tahoe. kinda a guarded dynamic at first because the DJ was trying to find non-profanity secular songs...but then they gave up the fight.

horseman begins the nap revolution.

then we stopped by Costco to pick up bagels... christopher stole a cup when the food counter cashiers weren't looking and tina demanded that nevin get her a hot dog...and he followed through. you're whipped, nevster.

worst free sample ever... some chicken bouillon funk soup

then in the car we were examining yearbooks...

judy chin (who opted out of senior trip for disneyland), works hard at making rice krispie treats like a good lil nerd. 
(Fun Fact: i drank/stole some of judy's gatorade and afterwards she told me she was sick. i told her i was going to die. Horseman told me that on the full moon, i would turn into a nerd)

and in Mills' yearbook they had a section called "Vacation anyone?!"
where did YOU go?

well some girls traveled far to Baker's Beach...

while Joanna T. headed on over to Yearbook Camp...

horseman and i were crackin up long time.

then at the house, cindy's car and winchell's car explored while we waited for the late-departure cars to arrive. the house was niiiccee.... flat screen tv, computer, ultra-soft king size bed downstairs, jacuzzi, securrrity cameras....

after playing sardines/mafia/capture the flag in the house, horseman uses some invisible broom to try to open the attic didn't work.

then winchell and christopher got intimate during the disciplinary ceremony.

on day 2 we woke up early to go kayaking.

chris and georgia's glasses...that we stole. sorry, dude. thanks for being a "good sport"
(and by "good sport" i mean he chased us in his kayak when he found out we stole them...and then he picked up some janky water gun and he charged us and while he was shooting us, he dropped his kayak paddle into horseman and i's kayak... thus making winchell row him around.... it was actually really funny).
yea sorry i make fun of you all the time.

then back home, caroline was practicing/actually giving winchell a thorough description of the knives she sells...
everyone else was napping/watching Made.

and i really took no more pictures... but on day 3 we went bike riding...where basically everyone fell...except Alison, who was powerhousing a tandem bike and snuck up on everyone and passed them up.

oh yeah i slept on a cot in the closet. 

and chris and horseman shared the king size bed...KEWT KEWT.
and i couldn't make any jokes about that because it would probably end up like... "yea you two sharing your wedding bed...and i'm in the closet"
it was a lose-lose, y'all.


SO today i made it official and went to tailor my jeans at nordstrom...
then i went to the American Apparel @ Union street to make some returns...and they were really unhelpful. 

1 comment:

Vince Ei said...

how bout nevin's signature in his own yearbook