Sunday, July 12, 2009

a lil' ill

sup people. 
my bad for being absent, and i'm kinda embarrassed that i'm breaking the blogging fast with the following post, but i can deal.

via uncrate,
this ruehl cardigan...
dang looks classy
as it should, for $118. that's straight up ridiculousness. 

that is all.

other than that, i've been with mild sickness for the past three weeks. like phlegmy times 24/7. i don't think i've ever experienced this before...sick enough to feel sick but still healthy enough to function. does that make sense? hopefully.
kcdc's going well. going by pretty fast...half over already! technically, i am contractually obligated to not post photos of the kids or of leaders, so i will not. apologies to all you stalkers out there

and finally, today is july 12, 2009.
a month ago i was...doing nothing
in a month i will hawaii! holla!

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