Tuesday, April 28, 2009

danielle jay: this is for you

this is the fool i'll be rooming with next year
don't mistake my expression as amusement, it's of bewilderment slash embarrassment

here's an excerpt of one of our heart-to-hearts:
and another:
maybe only i find it funny.

in uzzer news:

today i was walking to class and i was walking behind this kid with a bloody nose.
how do i know? perhaps because he plugged it up with tissue...but in a very not-discrete manner. half of the tissue was billowing all up in his face...kinda like this:
waddup tani. 
anyway, i laughed in my head and heart. but God is just, for during class i started feeling a trickle from my right nostril...and i'm like "aye aye aye imma hafta up and leave this lecture hall cupping my nose as it drip drops bloody ploppets"
but that didn't happen because it was just plain ol' snot.

the end! i don't think this counts as a weblog post cause it sucked


iamkatinthehat said...

HAHAHAHA. oh im am SO excited to be living across the hall. that's a cute apple that daniel very artistically created.

Vince Ei said...

you have plenty bloody nose stories

Unknown said...

yea...man what happened to your goal of not talkin bad about ppl? unsavory post dude... jk, i smiled. laytuh swissbeatz