Wednesday, January 23, 2008

let's work it

so we all know i've been workin on my fitness...
like these grade A chicas:
whassup thunder thighs...

so at fitness usa they measure you every 30 days
and i think i've been a member for about a month...
but i've only really gone about 8 times. and lemme tell you -
the Weigh In Judgment Day was The Biggest Loser Result Day killer...
first i swear my waist is not 45 inches around...surriously. ridiculous lies meant to make me starve myself and spend all my time in that chlorine-stanking dungeon.

but i've def been eating more than usual...
i think my mind says "yo. i'm a member at Fitness USA...i can eat 
ben & jerry's and paninis all day long. 'cause i got it like that"
but forreal, i gots to watch my intake. 
and then i'm put through this really intense workout
and it's not even that intense but i'm weak, man. 
and i'm showering and my arms are so weak and lifeless that as i'm shampooing
they go limp and start falling down mah face.
so i gotta like paw at my face to keep my arms from slipping
all the way down.
the pain i go through for a clean scalp. 


i know you think i'm sessy.

ooook....i should probably start my homework.
catch you later beezies!

shoutout to king timmy lee-- my middle school audience.
is that something to be proud of?
normally not...but timmy has also got it like that.

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