Monday, September 14, 2009

weird as f

lady gaga is a freaque.
weird things that occur in the above 4 minutes:
- lady gaga's back up dancer has a thong over his face. weird
- lady gaga hefts her left leg onto a piano. weird
- non-disabled girl in wheelchair is wheeled onstage, then off. weird
- lady gaga starts bleeding randomly. weird
- lady gaga sings really well. weird

vma's were crazy!
taylor swift, i believe in you. and i watched your music video. you're funny (but i think unintentionally) when you sing "i'm in the bleachers" and go all emo. holla!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

carbon copies

kevin gillespie vs. yukon cornelius

Thursday, September 3, 2009


do y'all remember enzyme dynamite?
yeah that was back in march two thousand and eight. 

dang son.
anyways, are you aware that enzyme dynamite is, yeah, actually a real person?
he has a banner on*

*true story: i checked sfgate dot com last night because there was a fat blackout in berkeley.